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Results for "tradition: "Sufism", latest_content: 1"
An Interview with Nacer Khemir An interview with Tunisian flm director about Sufism and the film Bab'Aziz - The Prince Who Contemplated His Soul.
The Mystic's Journey with Huston Smith Explores the riches of the spiritual traditions of Sufism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Hinduism.
Monsieur Ibrahim A spiritual adventure story about a Sufi grocer who passes on the wisdom of his path to a lonely adolescent boy filled with a yearning for something more.
Rumi: Poet of the Heart A documentary that conveys the enchantment of Rumi's spirituality and the imaginative imagery of his poetry,
The History and Interpretation of the Bible Father Bede Griffiths challenges us to read the Scriptures in the context of the Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoims and the Sufi myths.